Top 5 beauty products!!!

Long time, no see. Well, I'm back with a list of products I absolutely adore. All of these products are pretty cheap. They are perfect for someone in high school or college.
1. Neutrogena Skin Clearing foundation-$11.99
I have a mixed (oily/dry) skin. This product claims to help acne disappear. I'm sorry, but this is not completely true. This product does not clear your acne, but it does not cause any more acne from occurring. For me, foundation has always made my skin breakout. This is the first foundation that I have found that is light while covering your blemishes well, and does not cause me to breakout. I am in love with this product and use it everyday.
2. Secret clear gel in Romantic Rose-$4.99
In the past, I have had many bad experiences with deodorant. One time when I was around twelve, I asked my mom to get deodorant for me. I ran cross-country at the time so, when she went to the store she saw a pack of two sport deodorants. She got them because it was such a bargain. Why not? Well, this deodorant made me smell like a guy. It was humiliating and I had to use two bars of it. After this, I never wanted to wear deodorant ever again. Well, I came across this and it is the most amazing thing ever. It smells like roses and just everything a girl wants to smell like. It also is clear so it doesn't leave embarrassing white marks under your arms.
3. Garnier blackhead eliminating scrub-$7.99
This is the BEST face wash ever. It exfoliates your skin and removes black heads. It cleared basically all of my acne in about three uses. I think I've said enough.
4. Maybelline mega plush mascara-$5.99
This stuff makes your eyes perfect. Like, match this with a pair of fake eyelashes and score
5. Stila-$22
Okay, I know. Twenty-two dollars for a lip gloss??? No. Never. I bought mine in a gift set and it had all colors in a smaller size for the same price. It was such a deal. These lipglosses are sticky but they give such great color to your lips, its unbelievable. They do stay on for a while, but not too long. Just make sure you have it so you can re-apply.


  1. In the UK, we can't get neutrogena makeup, but I really want to try it! I also really love the Mega Plush mascara!! I've followed you on GFC, you have such a lovely blog! I'd really appreciate it if you went over to my blog and maybe read my latest post and followed back? It would mean a lot xx

  2. I've never tried any Neutrogena foundation but I think I need to!

    It'll mean the world to me if you check my blog out :)

  3. Love your post!!! :)

    I'm new.. follow for follow?


    The Malteser


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